13 April 2020

Creating your first Spring Boot application

Refence: Plural Sight Course : Creating your first Spring Boot application:

create a maven project with by setting groupId as com.boot and artifactId as das-boot and version as 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT and packaging as jar.

we need to add parent to pom.xml

and in dependencies of pom.xml add

go to sr/main/java/App.java
and add
before the class
in the main method add
SpringApplication.run(App.class, args);

in src/main/java create package with names
under controller create a file HomeController.java
and add below content

package com.boot.controller;

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

public class HomeController {

    public String home() {
        return "Das Boot, reporting for duty!";
Right click app.java and select run as java application to see response at localhost:8080

Learning Path for Spring Boot
1. Maven Fundamentals - done
2. Spring Fundamentals - done
3. Introduction to Spring MVC4
4. Spring Security Fundamentals
5. Spring with JPA and Hibernate
6. Getting Started with Spring Data JPA
7. Getting  Started with Spring Data REST

for references go to spring.io.
To generate new basic project go to start.spring.io (web initializer).
command line Spring Boot CLI, which inturn uses api provided by start.spring.io.

How does spring boot work?
@SpringBootApplication :A convinience annotation that wraps commonly used annotations with spring boot.
@Configuration : Spring configuration on startup. various configurations used by string.
@EnableAutoConfiguration: any components it finds in class path, it wires automatically to spring boot.
@ComponentScan : scans project for spring components

to know more information about any annotation, click on annotation and press F3. It will give more information.

Why move to containerless deployments?
in container deployments we have to deploy our java application to JBOSS or Tomcat container.
Problems with Container Deployments:
1. container need to be setup for each environment (pre-setup and configuration).
2. Need to use deployment descriptor files like web.xml to tell container how to work.
3. container envioronment settings which are external to your application.
Use of Application Deployments (Containerless deployments)
1. Runs anywhere java is setup (like cloud deployments)
2. Container is embedded and the app directs how the container works.
3. runs as plain java application which eases debugging.
Spring boot uses Embedded container or container less deployments.

=> We can copy the ui related files like angular code directly to src/main/resources/public directory, right click on project and select refresh. To make src/main/resources as class path resource, right click select Maven -> Update Project (Alt+F5).
=> Any change in html file in src/main/resources/public directory is reflected immediately.
=> All rest features in spring boot application are provided by spring mvc.
application.properties is the file we can set properties of application when we move one environment to another environment.
maven configured the build such that src/main/resources is in class path. so create application.properties in this folder. some example of application properties is to increase loggging level.
we can introduce some more files like application-test.properties or application-prod.properties after creating them in same directory as application.properties.
to pick this custom properties file, right click on project → select run as → Run Configurations and go to Arguments tab to add VM arguments as -Dspring.profiles.active=test
=> Search for spring boot common application properties in google to know what are all the properties available.

add below dependency to pom.xml if you want to use database

after you rerun the application u would see log statement like
2018-02-23 16:04:08.761  INFO 8112 --- [           main] org.hibernate.Version                    : HHH000412: Hibernate Core {4.3.11.Final}

Add below properties to application.properties and restart the application to use h2 database.

login to db like http://localhost:8080/h2 with sa/sa credentials to connect to web based db available to spring boot application.

Add below code to application.properties and restart the application to login with sa and blank password, login and create table

some more settings

for flyway database setting add below dependency in pom.xml:
Add @Loggable to know time taken by the specific method in console of STS:

{"@timestamp":"2018-02-01T17:51:17.366+05:30","@version":1,"message":"Total execution time taken by getClientReport ( [E200500] ) method is 119137 ms","logger_name":"com.xxxworks.reporting.serviceapi.repo.ChrDataRepoImpl","thread_name":"http-nio-8080-exec-1","level":"INFO","level_value":20000,"HOSTNAME":"HYD-TALAKOM","customFields":"{\"vendor\": \"CK.PSP\"}","vendor":"CK.PSP"}



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