Example 1: CPP Program to perform global replace of a character apostrophe with double apostrophe in the input string.
1: #include <iostream>
2: #include <string>
3: using namespace std;
4: int main () {
5: const char * userid;
6: userid = "madhu'sudhan'kittu'daddy";
7: cout<<userid<<endl;
8: string str;
9: str = userid;
10: size_t index = 0;
11: while (true) {
12: /* Locate the substring to replace. */
13: index = str.find("'", index);
14: if (index == string::npos) break;
15: /* Make the replacement. */
16: str.replace(index, 1, "''");
17: /* Advance index forward so the next iteration doesn't pick it up as well. */
18: index += 2;
19: }
20: cout<<str;
21: system("PAUSE");
22: return 0;
23: }
O/P: madhu'sudhan'kittu'daddy
press any key to continue....
Example 2: STL map example in CPP1: // Reading text file data.txt with below data into a map data structure and using iterator writing to a file called example.txt. Also used find method on map to check for 10th element .
2: // epluribusunum
3: // eagre, eager
4: // easement
5: // eau forte
6: // eau-de-nil
7: // eau-de-vie
8: // ebeneous
9: // ebriose
10: // ebullient
11: // imágenes
12: //
13: #include <iostream>
14: #include <fstream>
15: #include <string>
16: #include <map>
17: using namespace std;
18: int main () {
19: string line;
20: ifstream myfile1 ("data.txt");
21: ofstream myfile2 ("example2.txt");
22: std::map< string, string> data;
23: if (myfile1.is_open()&&myfile2.is_open())
24: {
25: int i = 0;
26: string line10;
27: while ( myfile1.good() )
28: {
29: i++;
30: getline (myfile1,line);
31: data.insert(std::make_pair(line,line));
32: if(i==10)
33: {
34: line10=line; //storing images localized value
35: if(data.find(line)!=data.end())
36: cout<<" images exist in the map during insert\n";
37: }
38: }
39: std::map<string,string>::iterator ii = data.begin();
40: while(ii!=data.end())
41: {
42: myfile2 << (*ii).first;
43: myfile2 << "\n";
44: ++ii;
45: }
46: if(data.find(line)!=data.end())
47: cout<<" images exist in the map in find operation at the end\n";
48: myfile1.close();
49: myfile2.close();
50: }
51: else cout << "Unable to open file";
52: // getch();
53: data.clear();
54: system("PAUSE");
55: return 0;
56: }
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