02 October 2019

Habits of people who never get stressed!!

  1. They say no to difficult people. Less negative energy, less stress.
  2. They meditate. More meditation, less reactivity to stress. ex: Vipassana Meditation
  3. They exercise. A natural de-stressor. ex: Office Gym or Walking for an hour daily.
  4. They smile. Smiling makes you happier, which means less stress.
  5. They act. Procrastination leads to stress.
  6. They get 8 hours of sleep. A tired mind is easily stressed. ex: 9pm to 5am
  7. They practice acceptance. When you stop arguing with reality, you’ll feel less stressed.
  8. They read books every day. Regular learning make you sell your skills at higher price.
  9. Getting up early, just before 5AM. You never regret this habit in life time. it creates more time.
  10. Never share your personal problems or secrets with anyone. except with your parents. 
  11. Drink plenty of water. body toxins will be released and inturn you feel very lighter.
  12. Keep a Straight Posture. Your body language controls how you feel and vice versa.
  13. Create a reward system. After 'x' minutes of focus, give 'y' minutes of break. ex: pomodoro.
  14. Live in reality, not in social media.

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