Key Action
Windows + Q = Open Communicator
Alt + F4 = Close Communicator
Enter = Open Conversation window for selected contact
Alt + Up arrow = move group up
Alt + down arrow= move group down
Shift + Enter = Add a line break in Type a note area
Alt + I = Invite someone to join the conversation
Ctrl + F = Send a File
Ctrl + S = Save contents of instant messaging
Ctrl + B = Bold selected text
Ctrl + U = Underline selected text
Ctrl + I = Italicize selected text
Ctrl + T = Strikethrough selected text
Reference doc download link:
Mstsc command
“mstsc /v tuuma01-xp2” to get session
“mstsc /console tuuma01-xp2” to get access to console
“mstsc /v tuuma01-xp2 /w:800 /h:600” will open remote session with specified width and height.
“mstsc /v tuuma01-xp2 /f” will open client session with client’s local resolution (full screen mode).
“mstsc /?” gives the help on mstsc commands.
shutdown command
“shutdown /s” run this on command prompt will shutdown system.
“shutdown /r” this will restart the system
“shutdown /s /f” this command will shut down forcibly.
setting regional settings of English win 2k3 to Japanese properly
In advanced tab of Regional and Language Options à Default user account settings
Check the “Apply all settings to the current user account and to the default user profile” and it will ask for a restart do reboot which will effect the settings properly. This is final step after all other settings.
Reference Links:
Flush dns
to get a new name resolution. Also flush dns cache when you can’t access a newly registered domain name. You can simply flush your dns cache anytime to get new entry. So, Flush your dns cache now.
To flush DNS cache in Microsoft Windows (Win XP, Win ME, Win 2000):-
- Start -> Run -> type cmd
- in command prompt, type ipconfig /flushdns
- Done! You Window DNS cache has just been flush.
Compmgmt command
Run “compmgmt.msc” command to display all options. Related to security, devices, memory mgmt.
How to share/access external / local box drives within a vmware.
Step 1: On the vmware menubar open ‘VM’ à ‘settings’ now open ‘Options’ tab and select “Shared Folders” and add a local system drive or external share and give a name.
Step 2: Now Start the vmware and open ‘My Computer’ click on ‘Folders’ button
On right hand side explorer click on ‘My network Places’ click on ‘Entire Network’ now select ‘vmware share location’ and copy the filees.
run eventvwr in command prompt to get event viewer logs.
Command line command to start communicator is “communicator”
How to check environment variable in windows.
echo %var_name%
Type “set” in command prompt to display all variables and its values.
How to know system up time in windows xp since last restart
Run systeminfo in cmd prompt this will give System Up Time
Fantastic information!Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!